![]() | DATA:TYPE: A AGE: 32 LIKES: Running on all fours, constipation, forklifts, golf DISLIKES: Nightmare smp FAVORITE PHILOSOPHER: Nietzche DANGER LEVEL: VERY HIGH Michael is one half of a whole, and Clauton is the other half. [Accepting him for who he is], Michael has set house rules to refer to him with nicknames such as "Mr. Nightmare" and "Mr. Limbo", preferring that he not be called Michael at all. We [care about michaels well being] and follow these rules with dignity and grace. Michael seems to have named him [affectionately] after "nightmare" of the "nightmare smp". Though Michael [has not] tried, they are tied together and one cannot be destroyed without the other following. |
Something unintended was caught but we banished him to Heaven. God save his soul Amen. |